12 Zen Quotes That Will Completely Change Your Life

Daisy Atino
1 min readMar 11, 2021
  1. Let go, or be dragged. Zen proverb
  2. What the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others. Confucius
  3. Wherever you are, it’s the place you need to be. Maxime Lagacé
  4. Wise men don’t judge – they seek to understand. Wei Wu Wei
  5. Rest and be kind, you don’t have to prove anything. Jack Kerouac
  6. Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know. Pema Chödrön
  7. Life is a balance of holding on and letting go. Rumi
  8. Wherever you are, be there totally. Eckhart Tolle
  9. I live by letting things happen. Dogen
  10. Forget the years, forget distinctions. Leap into the boundless and make it your home. Zhuangzi
  11. Before enlightenment; chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment; chop wood, carry water. Buddha
  12. Everything that happens to you is a form of instruction if you pay attention. Robert Greene

