5 Things You Can Do Today to Change Your Life

Daisy Atino
4 min readSep 8, 2022

I know there’s a bunch of articles already out there covering this topic and this won’t probably be any different but consider reading anyway.

Know God for yourself

As humans, I believe we need that connection to a force outside ourselves because in as much as we are self sufficient and way more advanced than animals we have something they don’t, a soul. Your soul is the part of you responsible for your thoughts, character and feelings. As you all know, this human experience is a very complex journey with unbearable burdens that sometimes it helps to lean on someone outside of your self. Truly the people who say they are spiritual got it right because it’s not enough to go to church every Sunday, some situations will come your way and it will require your own personal belief in God to weather through those hard times. Interestingly enough doing things like journaling, taking time out to self reflect and prayer are enough to create that connection.

Disconnect from the Matrix

For my conspiracy theorists out there, the key word here “matrix” sounds familiar to you. But to those it doesn’t, the matrix is a term used to describe a life where you are just existing and not operating at your greatest potential but it also extends to social media and the internet and how our consumption of these things simulate our realities to the point we can be programmed hence the phrase living in the matrix, which means not in reality. Now this is my simplified version I’m sure if you did more research you would understand the concept better. The truth is we can’t help the world we live in today because it is simply a result of growth and development but it has also become suffocating due to so many rules, opinions, ideals, values and information being thrown at us plus the additional pressure to conform or risk rejection both in the real world and online. It’s because of this that I believe for the sake of your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health one has to detach from and sometimes even cut off these things to focus on real life. I think its important to just be able to hold your own thoughts and opinions and leave a life that feels true and authentic to you.

Invest in Skincare

I don’t know if many females know this but good skin is literally the best make up you will ever wear and this goes for men too. Beautiful, glowing, supple and as the beauty gurus say “dewy” skin is not to be underestimated. The benefits of taking good care of your skin either by using the right products on your face and body or eating right are really undeniable and worth the effort and the money it may cost. One of the most noticeable things is the confidence boost you have that comes from looking and feeling beautiful in your own skin. But uniquely to women, applying makeup can be a real chore especially if you’re out of time and the ease of walking out of your home with just lipstick or gloss on and still looking stunning and beautiful is an amazing feeling. And let’s not forget beautiful skin enhances your features.

Practice Kindness

And avoid performative niceness which is a cancer of its own in the world we live in today. It’s so bad that you can actually meet a person who appears to be nice but isn’t actually kind. And someone may ask what is the difference between the two? They don’t seem to be that different right? Well I’d first like to give clarity by saying that being nice is a very good thing, performative niceness is where the problem is. Anyway back to the difference, being nice is generally being pleasant while kindness is a more sincere and sometimes specific version usually paired with warmth, care and thoughtfulness. I’d say the difference is one goes deep beyond the surface and most times that’s where the real impact is felt. There are ways you can be more kind today like getting someone a thoughtful birthday gift, planting a tree or giving to charity. All in all remember to be pleasant to everyone but challenge yourself to be kind.

Prioritize your peace of mind

I intentionally use the word prioritize here because many people think peace of mind can just be plucked off a tree or if they have it today it means it will be there tomorrow which is simply not the case. Life is complex and people are complicated that you almost can’t catch a break sometimes. So your peace of mind is something you’re going to have to cultivate and grow like flowers in a garden. Which means you have to be willing to do the work which can include removing some people or habits from your life, disassociating with places that don’t bring out the best in you, managing your own mental state when under pressure and basically deciding that your peace of mind is the most important thing to you and anything or anyone that threatens that might have to go. That doesn’t even sound fun does it? But it is necessary.

I hope you take a thing or two from this and use it to better your life.

